Invoicing information (clients)

Private client, corporate client, occupational healthcare and insurance invoicing
Tel. +358 10 312 090, open Mon–Thu from 9 AM to 1 PM

Private clients, corporate clients, and occupational healthcare clients:
[email protected]

Insurance companies: [email protected]

Pihlajalinna uses Ropo invoice lifecycle service, which means that Ropo delivers our invoices for us.

Inquiries related to paying the invoice:
Open Mon–Thu from 8 AM to 8 PM
Tel. 017 366 7041

Inquiries related to the contents of the invoice
Pihlajalinna Group
Open Mon–Thu from 9 AM to 1 PM
Tel. +358 10 312 090
Private and corporate clients: [email protected]
Insurance companies: [email protected]

Care invoicing
[email protected]

Together with Svea Bank we offer instalment financing. Read more on the Instalment page.