The price lists include prices for the most common examinations and starting prices for appointments.
The price lists include prices for the most common examinations and starting prices for appointments.
Our doctors are self-employed and determine their own fees.
The prices for appointments are indicative and may vary depending on the specialist.
You’ll receive a price estimate for the appointment after selecting a specialist in our online booking.
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system.
The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment.
A service fee, Kanta fee and any potential e-prescription fees are also added to the appointment price. Doctors often charge a fee of their own choosing for all calls.
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
Service fee €32.90
Service fee nurses and therapists €9.50
The service fee consists of background work and services related to your consultation that help us provide a smooth service experience for you. The service fee may be related to, for example, appointment booking, customer registration and customer service or the maintenance of digital services.
E-prescription fee €2.00
Charged for prescriptions stored in the e-prescription register.
Kanta fee €3.70
The Kanta fee is charged for all visits that are recorded in the national Kanta Patient Data Repository. This allows different healthcare professionals to access your health information securely and centrally. The Kanta fee is applied to, for example, physician’s, nurse’s and therapist’s consultations and other appointments, including imaging services, in which your health information is updated in the Kanta Patient Data Repository.
Invoicing fee €6.14
Booked appointments can be cancelled for free up to 24 hours before the appointment. We reserve the right to charge the full price of the booked service for any cancellations made after this and for any uncancelled appointments. Read more: Booking and cancelling an appointment.
The processing fee is charged together with the invoice for a no-show appointment or an appointment cancelled contrary to the cancellation policy. The processing fee consists of the cost of background work and services related to the booking service and processing of cancellations, such us the maintenance of digital services. In addition, the processing fee covers the invoicing costs.
We also charge separate fees for:
Outpatient examinations and procedures
Medical statements
Drugs prescribed by a doctor
Medical supplies
Telephone contacts
Laboratory tests
Tissue samples
Prescription renewals
Medical aids and supports
Outpatient procedures are invoiced based on the doctor’s fee and the facility fee, which includes supplies and support staff.
Pihlajalinna uses the direct reimbursement method of Kela. Customers receive reimbursement for the medical costs by presenting their Kela card at the point of payment.
Physical appointment €30.00
Video appointment €25.00
Phone/chat appointment €8.00
Medical statement B €6.00-€15.00
Medical certificate A or D €2.00
Physical appointment €30.00-€40.00 (the amount of reimbursement depends on the length of the visit)
Video appointment €30.00
Phone/chat appointment €12.00
Medical statement B €9.00-€22.50 (the amount of reimbursement depends on the extent of the statement)
Medical certificate A or D €3.00
More information about our prices is available on 010 312 010.
Pihlajalinna is only responsible for price information published in its own channels and materials. We reserve the right to make changes.
The price of the reception is determined based on the total duration of the reception. The total duration also includes the time the expert uses for going through the background information and making entries in the patient data system. Additional fees for service, digital prescriptions, Kanta entries and possible procedures will be added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
Weekday prices are valid from Monday to Friday between 8-20. At other times, the prices are increasing as follows: 30 % on Saturdays between 8-18, 100 % on Saturdays and the night before public holidays after 18, on Sundays, and on public holidays.
20 min
Deductible for reception visits after Kela reimbursement €115.00
30 min
Deductible for reception visits after Kela reimbursement €133.00
45 min
Deductible for reception visits after Kela reimbursement €180.00
60 min
Deductible for reception visits after Kela reimbursement €197.00
Pihlajalinna Kouvola offers a wide range of services for treating various skin conditions, scars and age-related skin changes. Skin and aesthetic treatment services are available at an appointment with the aesthetic nurse Suvi Parviaisen.
Prices include VAT 25.5%.
Further questions directly to the aesthetic nurse, tel. 040 612 6727 or via email [email protected]
from €47.00
Pihlajalinna Kouvola offers a wide range of services for treating various skin conditions, scars and age-related skin changes. Skin and aesthetic treatment services are available at an appointment with the aesthetic nurse Suvi Parviaisen.
Prices include VAT 25.5%.
Further questions directly to the aesthetic nurse, tel. 040 612 6727 or via email [email protected]
Pihlajalinna Kouvola offers a wide range of services for treating various skin conditions, scars and age-related skin changes. Skin and aesthetic treatment services are available at an appointment with the aesthetic nurse Suvi Parviaisen.
Prices include VAT 25.5%.
Further questions directly to the aesthetic nurse, tel. 040 612 6727 or via email [email protected]
Pihlajalinna Kouvola offers a wide range of services for treating various skin conditions, scars and age-related skin changes. Skin and aesthetic treatment services are available at an appointment with the aesthetic nurse Suvi Parviaisen.
Prices include VAT 25.5%.
Further questions directly to the aesthetic nurse, tel. 040 612 6727 or via email [email protected]
from €379.00
Pihlajalinna Kouvola offers a wide range of services for treating various skin conditions, scars and age-related skin changes. Skin and aesthetic treatment services are available at an appointment with the aesthetic nurse Suvi Parviaisen.
Prices include VAT 25.5%.
Further questions directly to the aesthetic nurse, tel. 040 612 6727 or via email [email protected]
from €399.78
Chat appointments for doctors and other specialists
The pricing of a remote appointment for a private customer depends on the time of the appointment. The appointment is invoiced afterwards.
By appointment telephone and video consultations with doctors and other specialists are charged in accordance with the appointment price list.
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement €48.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement €64.00
The pricing of a remote appointment for a private customer depends on the time of the appointment. The appointment is invoiced afterwards.
By appointment telephone and video consultations with doctors and other specialists are charged in accordance with the appointment price list.
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement €81.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement €101.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement €117.00
The pricing of a remote appointment for a private customer depends on the time of the appointment. The appointment is invoiced afterwards.
By appointment telephone and video consultations with doctors and other specialists are charged in accordance with the appointment price list.
The pricing of a remote appointment for a private customer depends on the time of the appointment. The appointment is invoiced afterwards.
By appointment telephone and video consultations with doctors and other specialists are charged in accordance with the appointment price list.
Priserna inkluderar serviceavgiften och Kanta-avgiften. Covid-19 tests are no longer eligible for Kela reimbursement.
Our doctors are self-employed and determine their own fees. The prices for appointments are indicative and may vary depending on the specialist.
You’ll receive a price estimate for the appointment after selecting a doctor in our online booking.
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment. A service fee, e-prescription fee and Kanta fee and any potential procedure fees are separately added to the prices of appointments.
Read more:
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
10 min
from €66.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €36.00
20 min
from €92.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €62.00
30 min
from €114.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €84.00
45 min
from €147.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €117.00
60 min
from €180.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €150.00
Our doctors are self-employed and determine their own fees. The prices for appointments are indicative and may vary depending on the specialist.
You’ll receive a price estimate for the appointment after selecting a doctor in our online booking.
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment. A service fee, e-prescription fee and Kanta fee and any potential procedure fees are separately added to the prices of appointments.
Read more:
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
10 min
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €75.00
20 min
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €75.00
30 min
from €159.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €129.00
45 min
from €209.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €179.00
60 min
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €234.00
Our doctors are self-employed and determine their own fees. The prices for appointments are indicative and may vary depending on the specialist.
You’ll receive a price estimate for the appointment after selecting a doctor in our online booking.
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment. A service fee, e-prescription fee and Kanta fee and any potential procedure fees are separately added to the prices of appointments.
Read more:
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
from €71.50
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €63.50
from €105.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €97.00
Lens and cataract surgery prices include preliminary examination and surgery. A service fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
from €1,539.00
1 eye, incl. basic lens
from €2,539.00
1 eye, incl. lens
from €3,450.00
1 eye, incl. lens
from €2,950.00
1 eye, incl. lens
Lens and cataract surgery prices include preliminary examination and surgery. A service fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
from €1,539.00
1 eye, incl. basic lens
from €2,539.00
1 eye, incl. lens
from €2,950.00
1 eye incl. lens
from €3,450.00
1 eye, incl. lens
Exercise Physiology laboratory, Pihlajalinna Pikku Huopalahti, Helsinki
Price without medical examination
The price with a medical examination €325.00
Price without medical examination
The price with a medical examination €305.00
Price without medical examination
The price with a medical examination €280.00
Price without medical examination
The price with a medical examination €490.00
Price without medical examination
The price with a medical examination €450.00
Price without medical examination
The price with a medical examination €410.00
Price without medical examination
The price with a medical examination €215.00
Price without medical examination
The price with a medical examination €215.00
Prices include the service fee. A Kanta fee of €3.70 is added to the prices.
One direction
E.g. wrist, knee, ankle
from €169.00
Neck, chest or lumbar spine
from €169.00
Prices include the service fee. A Kanta fee of €3.70 is added to the prices.
Prices include the service fee. A Kanta fee of €3.70 is added to the prices.
Prices include the service fee. A Kanta fee of €3.70 is added to the prices.
An extra charge will apply when arthrography is used for examining joints.
Prices include the service fee. A Kanta fee of €3.70 is added to the prices.
from €454.00
from €454.00
from €454.00
from €454.00
An extra charge will apply when arthrography is used for examining joints.
Tampere, Helsinki, Kuopio
Prices include VAT 25.5%.
A service fee will be added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
Voluma, Volift, Volbella
from €513.00
Volift retouch
from €413.00
from €514.00
Cosmetic procedure, performed by a medical specialist
<50 Cy
from €482.00
<20 Cy
from €377.00
Medical procedure, performed by a medical specialist
Prices include VAT 25.5%.
A service fee will be added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
<100 Cy
from €513.00
<50 Cy
from €397.00
<20 Cy
from €324.00
Prices include the service fee and the Kanta fee.
We charge our customer for failing to cancel an appointment for tests.
Read more:
The price is based on time, the total time spent on reception and registrations. A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Mielen Pihlajalinna mental health services provided on behalf of Pihlajalinna’s medical centres are based on the medical centres’ price lists.
The price of the booked appointment will be charged for no-show appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
60 minutes. Invoicing based on every starting 15 minutes
60 min
10 times
Incl. Kanta and service fees
7 visits incl., VAT 25.5% incl.
The price is based on time, the total time spent on reception and registrations. A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Mielen Pihlajalinna mental health services provided on behalf of Pihlajalinna’s medical centres are based on the medical centres’ price lists.
Psychotherapy consultations always require an appointment of 90 minutes.
The price of the booked appointment will be charged for no-show appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
60 min
90 min
60 min
The Kela reimbursement will be withdrawn from the price per visit
The price is based on time, the total time spent on reception and registrations. A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Mielen Pihlajalinna mental health services provided on behalf of Pihlajalinna’s medical centres are based on the medical centres’ price lists.
The price of the booked appointment will be charged for no-show appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
For private customers
Price list and appointment booking from the Worry in mind-line, 010 312 023, weekdays 8-18
Price list and appointment booking from the Worry in mind-line, 010 312 023, weekdays 8-18
The price is based on time, the total time spent on reception and registrations. A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Mielen Pihlajalinna mental health services provided on behalf of Pihlajalinna’s medical centres are based on the medical centres’ price lists.
The price of the booked appointment will be charged for no-show appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
60 min incl. 45 min appointment + 15 min notes
The price is based on time, the total time spent on reception and registrations. A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Mielen Pihlajalinna mental health services provided on behalf of Pihlajalinna’s medical centres are based on the medical centres’ price lists.
When visiting a psychiatrist’s reception for the first time, a minimum amount of 90-120 minutes of reception time must be booked. Psychotherapy consultations always require an appointment of 90 minutes.
The price of the booked appointment will be charged for no-show appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
Specialist 60 min
Specialist 75 min
Specialist 90 min
Specialist 120 min
45–60 min
€497.00 - €604.00
The price is based on time, the total time spent on reception and registrations. A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Mielen Pihlajalinna mental health services provided on behalf of Pihlajalinna’s medical centres are based on the medical centres’ price lists.
The price of the booked appointment will be charged for no-show appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
Total price
Three visits of 60 minutes each
Incl. Kanta and service fees
The price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the nurse spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system.
A separate Kanta fee will be added to the appointment prices. In addition, medications, vaccines, medical aids and supports, supply fees, and specialized wound care products will be charged separately.
Read more: Service and other fees
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
Up to 10 min
Up to 20 min
Up to 30 min
Up to 45 min
Up to 60 min
Over 60 min, price increases in 15-min intervals
Up to 60 min
1–2 vaccines
The price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the nurse spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system.
The price list applies to appointments both at a clinic and remotely.
A separate Kanta fee will be added to the appointment prices. In addition, medications, vaccines, medical aids and supports, supply fees, and specialized wound care products will be charged separately.
Read more: Service and other fees
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
Up to 20 min
Up to 30 min
Up to 45 min
Up to 60 min
The price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the nurse spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system.
A separate Kanta fee will be added to the appointment prices. In addition, medications, vaccines, medical aids and supports, supply fees, and specialized wound care products will be charged separately.
Read more: Service and other fees
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
Up to 20 min
Up to 30 min
Up to 45 min
Up to 60 min
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment. A separate service fee, e-prescription fee, Kanta fee and possible fees for procedures and examinations are added to the prices of appointments. In addition, any medication, vaccines, mobile consultations, medical aids and supports, special wound care products and nurse’s consultations are invoiced separately.
Read more:
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
10 min
from €70.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €40.00
20 min
from €99.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €69.00
30 min
from €127.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €97.00
45 min
from €159.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €129.00
60 min
from €184.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €154.00
Telephone/remote appointment
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment. A separate service fee, e-prescription fee, Kanta fee and possible fees for procedures and examinations are added to the prices of appointments. In addition, any medication, vaccines, mobile consultations, medical aids and supports, special wound care products and nurse’s consultations are invoiced separately.
Read more:
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
10 min
from €66.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €172.00
20 min
from €92.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €84.00
30 min
from €114.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €106.00
45 min
from €147.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €139.00
60 min
from €180.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €172.00
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment. A separate service fee, e-prescription fee, Kanta fee and possible fees for procedures and examinations are added to the prices of appointments. In addition, any medication, vaccines, mobile consultations, medical aids and supports, special wound care products and nurse’s consultations are invoiced separately.
Read more:
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
10 min
from €110.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €80.00
20 min
from €144.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €114.00
30 min
from €179.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €149.00
45 min
from €239.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €209.00
60 min
from €284.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €254.00
Telephone/remote appointment
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment. A separate service fee, e-prescription fee, Kanta fee and possible fees for procedures and examinations are added to the prices of appointments. In addition, any medication, vaccines, mobile consultations, medical aids and supports, special wound care products and nurse’s consultations are invoiced separately.
Read more:
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
10 min
from €105.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €97.00
20 min
from €137.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement €129.00
30 min
from €159.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €151.00
45 min
from €209.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €201.00
60 min
from €264.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €256.00
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment. A separate service fee, e-prescription fee, Kanta fee and possible fees for procedures and examinations are added to the prices of appointments. In addition, any medication, vaccines, mobile consultations, medical aids and supports, special wound care products and nurse’s consultations are invoiced separately.
Read more:
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
20 min
from €144.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €114.00
30 min
from €179.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €149.00
45 min
from €239.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €209.00
60 min
from €284.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €254.00
Telephone/remote appointment
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment. A separate service fee, e-prescription fee, Kanta fee and possible fees for procedures and examinations are added to the prices of appointments. In addition, any medication, vaccines, mobile consultations, medical aids and supports, special wound care products and nurse’s consultations are invoiced separately.
Read more:
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
10 min
from €105.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €97.00
20 min
from €137.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €129.00
30 min
from €159.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €151.00
45 min
from €209.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €201.00
60 min
from €264.00
Deductible after Kela’s reimbursement from €256.00
The appointment price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the specialist spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. The price of remote appointments, i.e. telephone and video appointments, is also based on the total duration of the appointment. A separate service fee, e-prescription fee, Kanta fee and possible fees for procedures and examinations are added to the prices of appointments. In addition, any medication, vaccines, mobile consultations, medical aids and supports, special wound care products and nurse’s consultations are invoiced separately.
Read more:
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100%
the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30%
the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100%
the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
the price increase from 6pm on Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, Easter Saturday, and the preceding days is 100%
from €195.00
from €80.00
A service fee and a Kanta fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
More information about our prices is available on 010 312 010.
Possible tissue samples are added to the price
from €333.00
A service fee and a Kanta fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
More information about our prices is available on 010 312 010.
from €233.00
from €278.00
A service fee and a Kanta fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
More information about our prices is available on 010 312 010.
Any tissue samples and any additional procedures, such as polyp removals, are added to the price
from €571.00
Any tissue samples and any additional procedures, such as polyp removals, are added to the price
from €782.00
from €349.00
A service fee and a Kanta fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
More information about our prices is available on 010 312 010.
from €266.00
A service fee and a Kanta fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
More information about our prices is available on 010 312 010.
from €158.00
Before week 12
from €155.00
A service fee and a Kanta fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
More information about our prices is available on 010 312 010.
Clinical stress test
from €598.00
from €468.00
from €508.00
from €416.00
A service fee and a Kanta fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
More information about our prices is available on 010 312 010.
from €504.00
A service fee and a Kanta fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
More information about our prices is available on 010 312 010.
from €312.00
from €1,191.00
Price / foot
from €1,799.00
Price / foot
The price is determined based on the total duration of the appointment. The total duration includes not only the appointment time, but also the time the nurse spends reviewing the patient’s medical history and making entries in the patient information system. A separate Kanta fee will be added to the appointment prices. In addition, medications, vaccines, medical aids and supports, supply fees, and specialized wound care products will be charged separately.
Read more: Service and other fees
Prices are valid on weekdays from 7am to 9pm. At other times, the following price increases apply:
the price increase on weekdays from 9pm to 7am is 100% the price increase on Saturdays between 7am and 6pm is 30% the price increase after 6pm on Saturdays is 100% the price increase after 6pm on Sundays, public holidays, and the eve of public holidays is 100%
Up to 30 min
Up to 60 min
from €195.00
You’ll receive a price estimate for the appointment after selecting a specialist in our online booking.
30 min
€52.00 - €107.00
45 min
€66.00 - €118.00
60 min
€78.00 - €128.00
Pihlajalinna’s general price list is applied at all receptions with doctors or nurses at Pihlajalinna Sleep.
You’ll receive a price estimate for the appointment after selecting a specialist in our online booking.
A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
Sleep apnea examination
from €495.00
Pihlajalinna’s general price list is applied at all receptions with doctors or nurses at Pihlajalinna Sleep.
You’ll receive a price estimate for the appointment after selecting a specialist in our online booking.
A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
1 hour in-person appointment
30 min
from €159.00
For sleep apnoea
Pihlajalinna’s general price list is applied at all receptions with doctors or nurses at Pihlajalinna Sleep.
You’ll receive a price estimate for the appointment after selecting a specialist in our online booking.
A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
from €899.00
Fro those who rented a CPAP machine
Selected individually
from €125.50
Max. 1 year
Pihlajalinna’s general price list is applied at all receptions with doctors or nurses at Pihlajalinna Sleep.
You’ll receive a price estimate for the appointment after selecting a specialist in our online booking.
A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
Pihlajalinna’s general price list is applied at all receptions with doctors or nurses at Pihlajalinna Sleep.
You’ll receive a price estimate for the appointment after selecting a specialist in our online booking.
A service fee and Kanta fee are added to the prices of appointments.
Read more: Service and other fees
60 min
10 times
Incl. Kanta and service fees
Incl. 7 visits
Incl. VAT 25.5%
Pihlajalinna Pikku Huopalahti
Treatment performed by a doctor
Naevus araneus
€278.00 (VAT 0 %)
E.g. side of the nose
€330.00 (VAT 0 %)
E.g. nose
€441.00 (VAT 0 %)
Cheeks and nose, <5cm x 5cm area
€478.00 (VAT 0 %)
Cheeks and nose, <10cm x 10cm area
€536.00 (VAT 0 %)
Cheeks, nose and chin >10cm x 10cm area
€607.00 (VAT 0 %)
A service fee is added to the price.
Read more: Service and other fees
Prices include VAT 25.5%.
For treatments of multiple areas, the full price is charged for the largest area with a discount of 20% for all the other areas.
E.g. upper lip or chin
€77.00 (VAT 0 %)
Chin medium
€110.00 (VAT 0 %)
Jaw medium and upper lip
€142.00 (VAT 0 %)
Full face
€175.00 (VAT 0 %)
€153.00 (VAT 0 %)
€175.00 (VAT 0 %)
€221.00 (VAT 0 %)
€311.00 (VAT 0 %)
€177.00 (VAT 0 %)
€268.00 (VAT 0 %)
€296.00 (VAT 0 %)
€306.00 (VAT 0 %)
€363.00 (VAT 0 %)
€443.00 (VAT 0 %)
€299.00 (VAT 0 %)
€386.00 (VAT 0 %)
€470.00 (VAT 0 %)
Wide back, biceps and strip
€550.00 (VAT 0 %)
€117.00 (VAT 0 %)
Test includes a service fee.
Test includes a service fee.
Test includes a service fee.
Test includes a service fee.
Test includes a service fee.
Test includes a service fee.
Test includes a service fee.
Children under 2 years
Test includes a service fee.
Test includes a service fee.
A service fee and an appointment fee with a specialist is added to the price.
A service fee and an appointment fee with a specialist is added to the price.
Test includes a service fee.
The final price consists of the statement or certificate itself, the appointment visit, and a service fee and a Kanta fee.
Read more: Service and other fees
More information about our prices is available on 010 312 010.
from €107.00
Include a statement
from €115.00
Include a statement
from €160.00
Include a statement
from €169.00
Include a statement
from €260.00
The campaign price includes the vaccine, the injection fee and the Kanta payment. Campaign prices are valid at Pihlajalinna and Punkkibussi.
Influvac Tetra
Efluelda Tetra
The price of the vaccination consists of the vaccination appointment €42.96 and the price of the vaccine as listed in the vaccine price list below. We also charge a Kanta fee.
Read more: Service and other fees
Havrix, adults
Havrix 0.5 ml, children
Twinrix pediatric, chlidren
Gardasil 9
Boostrix Polio
Ducoral dose powder
Dukoral dose powder 2 x 1
Typhim Vi
Bexsero 0.5 ml
Prevnar 20
Pneumovax, over 2 years of age
Prevnar 13
Imovax polio
Encepur, children
Ticovac junior
Shingrix 0.5 ml
The vaccination price includes the vaccine and injection fee. A Kanta fee will also be charged.
Punkkibussi accepts payments by bank card, Visa, Visa Electron, and Mastercard. We verify your identity at the time of vaccination, so please bring a valid photo ID.
Read more: Service and other fees
People over the age of 60
Please confirm the availability of your desired vaccine by emailing us at: [email protected]
Please confirm the availability of your desired vaccine by emailing us at: [email protected]
Please confirm the availability of your desired vaccine by emailing us at: [email protected]
Please confirm the availability of your desired vaccine by emailing us at: [email protected]
Please confirm the availability of your desired vaccine by emailing us at: [email protected]
Injection of self-provided vaccine