Pihlajalinnan kiharahiuksinen hoitaja katsoo empaattisesti asiakasta, joka on selin katsojaan.

Acting on behalf of another person

You can authorise someone to act on your behalf at Pihlajalinna. This authorisation is called a power of attorney.

Acting on behalf of another person

You can authorise someone to act on your behalf at Pihlajalinna. This authorisation is called a power of attorney.

A power of attorney can be issued by a person of age who is legally competent and capable of understanding the meaning of the power of attorney. If the person does not meet the above conditions and does not have a legal representative, no one can issue a power of attorney on their behalf.

For more information on acting on behalf of another person, please contact your nearest Pihlajalinna medical centre or call our customer service at 010 312 010.

If you wish to authorise someone to act on your behalf, proceed as follows:

1. Print out the Power of attorney, fill it in and sign it

Download the form here: Power of attorney

You can also request the form at a Pihlajalinna medical centre and fill it in there.

2. Bring the power of attorney to a Pihlajalinna medical centre

The holder of the power of attorney, i.e. the authorised party, does not need to be present when the power of attorney is concluded.

If you are unable to personally deliver the power of attorney to Pihlajalinna, the authorised party can also bring it on your behalf. In this case, you will need two adult witnesses who validate the power of attorney with their signatures.

3. Prepare to verify your identity

Bring a photo ID so that we can verify your identity. If the authorised party delivers the power of attorney, we will verify their identity.

We will save the power of attorney in Pihlajalinna’s patient data system.

If you are authorised to act on behalf of someone at Pihlajalinna, please note the following:

  • Be prepared to verify your identity every time you visit a Pihlajalinna medical centre.

  • If you call us by phone, we will verify the identy by calling back the number specified in the power of attorney. Be prepared to state your name, personal identity code and contact details each time.

If a customer authorises someone to receive patient information on their behalf, the authorised party fills in a form titled Request to access patient documents, after which the request for information will proceed according to the normal process.

Read more: Requests for patient documents

Cancelling a power of attorney

When you want to cancel a power of attorney, print out and fill in the form Revocation of a power of attorney. The cancellation form can be returned by mail or personally at a Pihlajalinna location. The cancellation form will also be saved in Pihlajalinna’s patient data system.

Download the cancellation form here: Revocation of a power attorney