Manne Pyykkö — Pihlajalinna

Manne Pyykkö


Welcome to my appointment at Dextra (Munkkivuori) I do conduct meetings remotely, via video meetings, as well, and occasionally, I meet customers F2F at Tavastia (downtown Helsinki).

I have worked as a psychologist for more than two decades, in a variety of positions. I immersed in competency related affairs and personal development after graduation, but over the years I have gravitated towards coping and wellbeing, in a lack of a better expression. For the past few years, I have concentrated solely on 1-1-meetings. My previous position was a Counselling Student Psychologist at a University of Applied Sciences.

Workplace tension and wellbeing, coping with stress and negative life events, managing oneself, sleeping issues, combining work and family life, relationships, (elusive) sense of meaning, dealing anxiety and depression – these are just some of the topics I have mutually addressed with my clients over the years.

Often frustrations and issues tend to pile up and distinct dimensions ought to be extracted for further investigation. Sometimes things take a different course of action. Sometimes co-operation is very goal-oriented and straight-forward. Sometimes defining the right question is an objective of paramount importance. There are, however, some certain factors one can count on. Sorrows are at least halved when you share them. Two minds are more than one. Stress is often futile if you have a back-up plan.  

Do not hesitate to make an appointment – you do not have to make it on your own. 

Specialisations and tasks:


Occupational health psychologist

Child patients:
I do not treat child patients
Finnish, English

Pihlajalinna Dextra Munkkivuori

Raumantie 1 a00350 Helsinki

Pihlajalinna Tavastia Kamppi

Urho Kekkosen katu 4-600100 Helsinki