I specialize in problems with the lower extremity. My most common patients are those with symptoms in the pelvic-, hip-, knee-, ankle and/or foot-region. The first goal is always to find the underlying problem causing the syptoms. After that it is possible to take corrective measures.
I also make custom orthopedic insoles. The goal of these orthotics is to guide the function of the whole body by helping the foot to function as close to optimal as possible. The need for a pair of orthotics is assessed during a physical therapy appointment.
Pihlajalinna Akaa
Kirkkotori 1037800 AkaaPihlajalinna Hämeenkyrö
Härkikuja 239100 HämeenkyröPihlajalinna Kangasala
Kaarninkuja 336220 KangasalaPihlajalinna Koskiklinikka
Koskikeskus: Hatanpään valtatie 133100 TamperePihlajalinna Valkeakoski
Valtakatu 3137600 ValkeakoskiPihlajalinna Villilä
Ratakistonkatu 733300 TamperePihlajalinna Ylöjärvi
Mikkolantie 1-333470 Ylöjärvi